Market Appraisal Policy - External To Your Office
A salesperson will be expected to question a potential vendor/buyer in relation to any previous involvement with any employee of the company, so as to establish if that person has been followed up recently, or is a past client of the company, “Have you dealt with anybody from <Your company> before” A client is someone who has either bought or sold through the company and has been regularly followed up by that salesperson i.e. quarterly contact evidenced by mail, phone, personal, diary notes etc.
The involvement in a listing by joint agents should be established at the outset of the listing. Rapport with the potential vendor will be established at a greater level with one or the other. Agents name, telephone numbers and placement of Advertising should also be clarified with the responsibility falling to the Agent who has formalized the campaign with the Vendor or has agreement in writing together with forms of payment.
If you receive a lead regarding a potential Market Appraisal in an office’s Core Area apart from the office that prospect should be: –
- Referred to the Core Office for follow up with a 10% referral commission payable to the referring office, upon release of deposit monies.
- A salesperson from each office does the Market Appraisal with a commission split of 15% of the commission (after any advertising levy) being paid to the referring office, upon release of the deposit.
If it is established when talking to a prospect that the prospect is a past client of a salesperson from another office who has been followed up within the past 3 months, then a courtesy call to that salesperson should be made with no referral fee/commission expected. This is called teamwork!
Under no circumstances can a salesperson do an appraisal in another offices Core Area without first getting the Core Office involved. In addition, team inspections arranged by a salesperson in another offices Core Area without first getting somebody from that core office involved is not permitted. This is common courtesy and shows regard for your fellow team members!