Overview This is the third step in a seven-stage process of successfully tackling risk management in your organisation. Identifying risks requires a broad approach – in fact, the broader, the better. This is an ideal opportunity to get everyone in your organisation involved in the risk management process. Perhaps you could begin with a organisation wide brainstorming session to identify any and all risks that could confront your organisation….
Analysing risks This is the fourth step in a seven-stage process of successfully tackling risk management in your organisation. The first step in the process is communication and consultation and this needs to occur regularly if you are to continue to keep risk management at the front of everyone’s mind. In this regard you need to continually communicate throughout the process with your organisation and others who may be impacted. Before you can do an…
Evaluating risks This is the fifth step in a seven-stage process of successfully tackling risk management in your organisation. The first step in the process is communication and consultation and this needs to occur regularly if you are to continue to keep risk management at the front of everyone’s mind. In this regard you need to continually communicate throughout the process with your organisation and others who may be impacted. By now you shou…
Illustrate the market, pricing, product, and management risks as well as how you plan to overcome these risks. Human Resource Related Risks…
Treating risks This is the sixth step in a seven stage process for successfully tackling risk management in your organisation. The first step in the process is communication and consultation and this needs to occur regularly if you are to continue to keep risk management at the front of everyone’s mind. In this regard you need to continually communicate throughout the process with your organisation and others who may be impacted. Treating risks i…
Monitoring and reviewing risks This is the seventh step in a seven stage process of successfully tackling risk management in your organisation. The first step in the process is communication and consultation and this needs to occur regularly if you are to continue to keep risk management at the front of everyone’s mind. In this regard you need to continually communicate throughout the process with your organisation and others who may be impacted….
Summarise the key elements of your plan in this section. You may want to use this to now develop a Strategic Plan for the next 5 years and an Operational Plan for the next twelve months. These plans are very straightforward and involve you working through each element of your plan and developing some key milestones. From this point, you will then need to put a rough time line on your milestones for the next 5 years worth of business. I…
[enter-your-company-name-here] is committed to providing quality [products and services]. At the ownership and board level we have made the decision to always seek continual improvement and innovation. We actively seek the the full support of our employees, suppliers and contractors in our quest for better quality [products and services]. Our activities include: [Regular meetings with staff to discuss better ways of doing thing…
The customer relationship comes first The foundation of customer goodwill is the existence, promotion and practice of a sound customer relations policy. Such a policy is a formal promise to our customers representing our commitment to their satisfaction. The philosophy that under pins our business is the belief that if we are in this industry for the sole purpose of making money, we will not achieve true success. Our business purpo…
Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy Is to provide a controlled work environment that protects the health, safety and welfare of all employees and other persons at our office/factory or work site. [enter-your-company-name-here] accepts its responsibility as an employer, to train and assist all employees in safe work practices, and seeks the full support and cooperation of all employees. Our commitment: Management…