Welcome to the staff of [enter-your-company-name-here]. We take pride in our business. Our workplace will benefit from your enthusiasm and willingness to do your job well. This Manual and our induction process will assist you to understand our policies and procedures and in working with your fellow employees. We will describe in detail what you can expect from us and what we will expect from you. However, if you have any queries, plea…
Position Descriptions You will be provided with a Position Description that identifies your required tasks. Carefully review this document and make enquires with your supervisor if you do not understand any elements of the document. Letter of appointment You will be given a Letter of Appointment, outlining your conditions of employment. It will contain: your position your salary / wage…
Purpose All staff receive a letter of appointment detailing their rights, benefits, responsibilities and accountabilities. Background This procedure is intended to ensure that everyone starts work with the same understanding and expectations. Scope All Staff Procedure On joining the company, all staff will be given a Letter of Appointment that outlines their conditions…
Purpose All staff are inducted into the business, to ensure that they settle in as smoothly and effectively as possible. Background This procedure is designed to ensure that staff feel welcome and comfortable in their new environment. Scope All Staff Procedure All new staff receive an induction into the business and are given an Employee Manual. They will also have acces…
Policy with respect to Harassment – Legislation Intimidation, hostility, offensiveness, sexual harassment, and unfair discrimination in the workplace are examples of unacceptable behaviour and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Sexual harassment is recognised as a form of sex discrimination, and is illegal under the State Anti-Discrimination Acts, and the Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act 1984. It is also considered by the busi…
Purpose To provide a framework for assisting staff to achieve performance requirements Background Goal setting is a useful motivator for all staff. It provides a yardstick for performance to assist staff to identify their own strengths and weaknesses. For high staff morale, goal setting should be a form of encouragement and a “game”; it should not carry the threat of dismissal for under performance in itself….
Pay rate Remuneration is paid at the rate described in the Letter of Appointment. Income Tax Income Tax will be debited from wages in accordance with the [your contries tax office Australian Tax Office (ATO)] requirements. The tax scale is based on [ATO] income tax schedules and determined by the data contained in the taxation form lodged by the employee on commencement of employment. Group Certificates will be issued within…
Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure that a consistent approach is followed when conducting Annual Performance Reviews and that job-related skills, knowledge, employee competencies and behaviours are evaluated and compared against set standards and business objectives. The [enter-your-company-name-here] Annual Performance Review process has been designed to provide a vital link between the organisations’ business plan, its vision and guiding principles, an…
Annual Leave Application for Annual Leave must be made on the appropriate application form and must be approved by management before it is taken. We require at least 2 weeks notice, in writing, prior to the the commencement of annual leave. Sick Leave Please refer to the employment agreement, which details sick leave entitlements. Application for Sick Leave must be made on the appropriate application form and approved by ma…
Purpose Counselling is a form of coaching and its aim should be to change the behaviour of the employee. Differing counselling styles range in degree from the directive approach to the non-directive. The directive approach involves the identification and solution of a problem by the Manager. The non-directive approach is where the employee identifies the problem and the solution is derived with the assistance of the Manager. The non-directiv…