[enter-your-company-name-here] is committed to providing quality [products and services]. At the ownership and board level we have made the decision to always seek continual improvement and innovation. We actively seek the the full support of our employees, suppliers and contractors in our quest for better quality [products and services]. Our activities include: [Regular meetings with staff to discuss better ways of doing thing…
The customer relationship comes first The foundation of customer goodwill is the existence, promotion and practice of a sound customer relations policy. Such a policy is a formal promise to our customers representing our commitment to their satisfaction. The philosophy that under pins our business is the belief that if we are in this industry for the sole purpose of making money, we will not achieve true success. Our business purpo…
Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy Is to provide a controlled work environment that protects the health, safety and welfare of all employees and other persons at our office/factory or work site. [enter-your-company-name-here] accepts its responsibility as an employer, to train and assist all employees in safe work practices, and seeks the full support and cooperation of all employees. Our commitment: Management…
[enter-your-company-name-here] will conduct it’s activities in an environmentally friendly and sensitive manner. Our goal is to understand and meet our environmental obligations to our employees, our customers and the community, in accordance with the [enter relevant laws e.g. Environmental Protection Act] and the [enter relevant Environmental Standards]. The environmental management system may include but is not limited to: Pla…
[enter-your-company-name-here] is committed to creating a “Culture of Teamwork” To facilitate this commitment, our objective is to provide a working environment that is conducive to an individual staff member performing at his or her best with ease. To this end, we have developed an Employee Manual that each staff member must read and sign to indicate understanding and acceptance of our requirements. To make teamwork happen, these powerful…
Our client’s/customer’s right to privacy, We recognise and value our [client’s/customer’s] right to privacy, dignity and confidentiality in all aspects of their personal or business life. [enter-your-company-name-here] respects and upholds your rights to privacy protection under the [National Privacy Principles] in regulating how we collect, use, disclose and hold your personal information. We have a detailed policy and set of proce…
We respect our customers right to have their grievances heard Each customer is free to raise and have resolved equitably, any complaint he/she may have regarding [enter-your-company-name-here] or the services provided by [enter-your-company-name-here]. The underlying principles of this policy are to ensure that: Each customer has access to procedures for dealing with complaints and disputes. All complaints and disp…