“EMPLOYEE INDUCTION MANUAL” – Table of Contents HUMAN RESOURCES EMPLOYEE INDUCTION MANUAL Introduction and welcome to all staff Overview of our personel manag…
Welcome to the staff of [enter-your-company-name-here]. We take pride in our business. Our workplace will benefit from your enthusiasm and willingness to do your job well. This Manual and our induction process will assist you to understand our policies and procedures and in working with your fellow employees. We will describe in detail what you can expect from us and what we will expect from you. However, if you have any queries, plea…
Position Descriptions You will be provided with a Position Description that identifies your required tasks. Carefully review this document and make enquires with your supervisor if you do not understand any elements of the document. Letter of appointment You will be given a Letter of Appointment, outlining your conditions of employment. It will contain: your position your salary / wage…
Policy with respect to Harassment – Legislation Intimidation, hostility, offensiveness, sexual harassment, and unfair discrimination in the workplace are examples of unacceptable behaviour and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Sexual harassment is recognised as a form of sex discrimination, and is illegal under the State Anti-Discrimination Acts, and the Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act 1984. It is also considered by the busi…
Pay rate Remuneration is paid at the rate described in the Letter of Appointment. Income Tax Income Tax will be debited from wages in accordance with the [your contries tax office Australian Tax Office (ATO)] requirements. The tax scale is based on [ATO] income tax schedules and determined by the data contained in the taxation form lodged by the employee on commencement of employment. Group Certificates will be issued within…
Annual Leave Application for Annual Leave must be made on the appropriate application form and must be approved by management before it is taken. We require at least 2 weeks notice, in writing, prior to the the commencement of annual leave. Sick Leave Please refer to the employment agreement, which details sick leave entitlements. Application for Sick Leave must be made on the appropriate application form and approved by ma…
On-the-job training commences with induction, and continues until new staff are deemed competent by their Supervisor. From time to time, training sessions are conducted internally in order to assist staff to acquire or improve skills in safety operations, compliance and other professional skills. Staff may also be invited or encouraged to attend external courses to improve their professional and operational skills. Staff ar…
Introduction We aim to secure the future of [enter-your-company-name-here] by operating: profitably and ethically by guarding the interests of our clients and customers We should be conscious of the impact of our actions at all times. We must understand the need to observe, and be seen to observe, the laws as they apply to our business and people who use our services. Everyone is responsible for ensur…
Vehicle usage For certain positions, employees are supplied with a fully maintained motor vehicle. Management must be notified of any changes to the status of an employee’s driver’s licence. Additional drivers Company employees who meet the requirements for age, driving history, licence etc, may drive the motor vehicle with the permission of the person assigned to that vehicle and manager as appropriate. Additional driver…
Employee Manual, Operations Manual These are made available to all employees, and remain the property of the company. During induction training, we will refer to relevant procedures and forms contained in these manuals. Employees are free to access and read them at any time. The quality of our services depends on our employees following our business requirements. These Manuals and instructions are not to be removed from business prem…