Employee Code Of Counduct
We aim to secure the future of [enter-your-company-name-here] by operating:
- profitably and ethically
- by guarding the interests of our clients and customers
We should be conscious of the impact of our actions at all times. We must understand the need to observe, and be seen to observe, the laws as they apply to our business and people who use our services.
Everyone is responsible for ensuring that the professional and ethical standards that are outlined in this document are maintained. Furthermore, it is vital that all employees are conscious of the fact that departure from these standards, or non-observance of company procedures, will have an adverse impact on our ability to maintain the confidence of our clients and customers.
In fact, non-observance of these principles may result in dismissal of an individual or individuals.
All discussions, transfers of information etc, within [enter-your-company-name-here] are highly confidential. Under no circumstances should any employee allow privileged business information to be accessed by outside parties.
The information, both written and verbal provided to us by our clients and customers is the exclusive property of our clients and customers.
Any breach of confidentiality on behalf of the company or its clients and customers will result in dismissal and no warnings will be given.
Legislation – Federal and State
Our industry is regulated by several acts of Parliament, both Federal and State.
At present your position is directly affected by the provisions of the following Acts, Regulations and Guidelines:
- All employees must familiarize themselves with these Acts and Industry Standards, copies of which are available in our offices. The provisions of these Acts should be strictly adhered to at all times.
Telephone requests for employee personal contact details
No personal details of other employees; such as home telephone numbers may be given. In the case of an emergency, refer to your Supervisor.
If you have access to a computer, you are responsible for the security of computer data within your area of our business. Computer software or hardware shall not be taken from the company premises.
You are not permitted to install any software, including games, on company owned personal computers or notebooks.
Computers are not to be used for downloading pornographic or any other material that could be considered offensive or distasteful.
In addition, the electronic mail system is not to be used to send offensive, insulting or hurtful material.
Any breach of these requirements may result in dismissal.
Incoming Phone Calls
If you are required to answer the office telephone; on all occasions when you are required to do so, please answer all incoming calls in a courteous and pleasant tone.
Petty Cash
Petty Cash is not a personal loan facility.
Petty Cash is controlled by the <WHO> and can be accessed by authorised employees only.
Reliability and Punctuality
We all rely on each other and lateness causes inefficiency in all areas. If you are delayed, please let other parties know as soon as possible.
Repeated lateness will be examined during the review process and may affect your ongoing promotion or employment.
Outside Employment Policy
When an person accepts employment with [enter-your-company-name-here], such employment carries with it the obligation to devote full attention and best effort to the job. The company has no desire to interfere with outside interests or activities, which clearly do not affect job performance, or do not in any way conflict with the company’s best interest. It is the employee’s responsibility however, to advise their supervisor of any outside employment, if there is the possibility of a conflict of interest.
A conflict of interest may include;
- working for a competitor
- working long hours
- using the resources of the company for non-company activities
- being unable to attend to work for [enter-your-company-name-here] due to other activities during business hours
Failure to advise of any such outside employment may result in dismissal.
Company property
Upon resignation, redundancy or dismissal, company property must be returned.
Every effort shall be made to protect, service and maintain company property. Any damage to or loss of company property shall be reported to management.
No company property or cash shall be loaned to employees without the express permission of a senior manager.
Intellectual Property
All systems, designs, know-how, drawings and documents are the property of the business.
Keys for premises
- Employees are issued with keys at the discretion of management
- Keys must not be loaned to unauthorized employees
- Lost keys must be reported immediately. Failure to do so will put our security at risk.
- Keys must not be copied under any circumstances.