On-the-job training commences with induction, and continues until new staff are deemed competent by their Supervisor. From time to time, training sessions are conducted internally in order to assist staff to acquire or improve skills in safety operations, compliance and other professional skills. Staff may also be invited or encouraged to attend external courses to improve their professional and operational skills. Staff ar…
Introduction [enter-your-company-name-here] acknowledges that professional development is integral to personal job satisfaction, workplace productivity, reward, and recognition, and is critical to the achievement of the organisation’s mission and continuous improvement in the quality of its programs and services. Principles [enter-your-company-name-here] is committed to providing a supportive and rewarding environment for employees and recognise…
Introduction We aim to secure the future of [enter-your-company-name-here] by operating: profitably and ethically by guarding the interests of our clients and customers We should be conscious of the impact of our actions at all times. We must understand the need to observe, and be seen to observe, the laws as they apply to our business and people who use our services. Everyone is responsible for ensur…
Policy On-the-job training commences with induction, and continues until new staff are deemed competent by their Supervisor. From time to time, training sessions are conducted internally in order to assist staff to acquire or improve skills in safety operations, compliance and other professional skills. Staff may also be invited or encouraged to attend external courses to improve their professional and operational skills. Staff are expected to m…
Vehicle usage For certain positions, employees are supplied with a fully maintained motor vehicle. Management must be notified of any changes to the status of an employee’s driver’s licence. Additional drivers Company employees who meet the requirements for age, driving history, licence etc, may drive the motor vehicle with the permission of the person assigned to that vehicle and manager as appropriate. Additional driver…
Policy We hope that our staff will enjoy a long and mutually rewarding career with us. We recognise, however, that staff are free to resign at any time and they must recognise that their employer is free, should the need arise, to terminate employment. Other than for disciplinary reasons, employment may be terminated after the employee is given the required notice described in the employment agreement. When resigning, staff are required to give the sam…
Employee Manual, Operations Manual These are made available to all employees, and remain the property of the company. During induction training, we will refer to relevant procedures and forms contained in these manuals. Employees are free to access and read them at any time. The quality of our services depends on our employees following our business requirements. These Manuals and instructions are not to be removed from business prem…
Our responsibilities All employees, clients and customers, visitors and contractors have a responsibility for safety, health and welfare. It should be understood that any non-compliance with the company’ safety policy may result in disciplinary action. Our objectives To establish a safe and healthy environment in all areas of operation To establish and maintain safe working procedures among employees, clients and cu…
Policy In order to maintain a fair, consistent and logical work discipline, all employees regardless of position are subject to the disciplinary procedures detailed below. Stage 1 – Verbal Warning: The normal action in the first instance of a failure to meet business standards will be a verbal warning by a supervisor or manager. In more serious cases, Stage 1 will be omitted and a first or second written warning will be issued….
Policy Regardless of the company’s normal disciplinary processes, instant dismissal without notice may occur where an employee is involved in: deliberately breaking the law theft damage to property immoral or indecent behaviour sexual harassment gross insubordination falsifying work records malicious or slanderous acts that may cause damage or disrepute to the company…