4.5.3 Records
Procedure for identification, maintenance and disposition of environmental records.
[enter-your-company-name-here] has established and maintains procedures for the identification, maintenance and disposition of environmental records.
These records include training records, audit reports, review reports and incident reports.
Location of records
All records relating to the environmental management system are referenced, see 4.4.4.
Wherever possible, records are stored as ‘soft’ copies on the [enter-your-company-name-here] computer network server and indexed in a record register stored on the network server.
Whenever possible, the records are stored as Read Only files. A controlled ‘hard’ copy of the Record Register is held by the Environmental Manager for reference purposes.
When records cannot be stored in ‘soft’ copy form, they are filed in a logical manner in lockable filing cabinets and under the control of the Environmental Manager.
Identification of records
In every case, records must be dated and, where appropriate, show the time that the record was created. Where the record relates to a procedure, the number and/or name of the procedure shall be included in the record identification details.
Retention of records
The Environmental Manager shall determine the period for which each record type is to be retained. Consideration shall be given to legal and statutory requirements when setting the retention times.
The retention time shall be displayed in the record identification details for each standard record form and listed in the appendix to this procedure.