4.3.4 Environmental Management Programme(s)
To achieve its environmental objectives and targets, [enter-your-company-name-here] has developed a series of management programs and monitors their effectiveness.
The Environmental Manager has overall responsibility for the achievement of the environmental objectives and targets for [enter-your-company-name-here]. Each departmental manager has the responsibility for the achievement of the environmental objectives and targets, relevant to their operational responsibility.
Where two or more managers are responsible for activities that impact upon common environmental objectives or targets, they shall work together, under the direction of the Environmental Manager, to ensure that the objectives or targets are achieved.
When an environmental objective or target is set, all parties shall agree on the program that will be used to achieve them and the time-frame for the program.
The Environmental Manager has the responsibility for approving the methodology and timing for the program and will consider the issues contained in the procedure for setting objectives and targets (see 4.3.3).
When a new process, product or activity is introduced or a modification is made, the Environmental Manager and environmental management committee shall conduct a review of the existing management program.
The review shall check to ensure that it is valid, effective and meets all requirements with respect to timing and verification. Any amendments that are considered necessary and approved shall be documented and the changes communicated to all parties involved.