4.3.1 Environmental Aspects
To identify those activities that [enter-your-company-name-here] is involved in and which have an impact upon the environment.
[enter-your-company-name-here] has established and maintains procedures that are designed to identify the environmental impact of our activities, products or services that we can control or over which we can be expected to have an influence.
[enter-your-company-name-here] constantly monitors its activities in order to determine those which have, or have the potential for, significant impact upon the environment. Monitoring is carried out through regular audits of the environmental management system
Regular review meetings are held (how often) to discuss environmental impact considerations and to develop appropriate measures to eliminate them or reduce the level of impact.
Whenever there is a change in activities and these may have an impact on the environment, a review meeting is held to consider the effects and to propose any course of action to mitigate or eliminate the impact.
In setting our environmental objectives, [enter-your-company-name-here] considers the all available information and data relating to significant environmental impacts. Whenever necessary, external consultants will be engaged to assist with the research and interpretation of the information and data.
[enter-your-company-name-here] is pro-active in maintaining this information is careful to ensure that it is up to date at all times.