Our system for managing our sales Overview of our system “How it works” Summarise your system, how does your system work Imagine someone asking you “How does your xxx system work” [e.g. Our sales s…
Purpose Forecast sales on a rolling twelve month projection to facilitate other budgeting processes. identify performance targets for sales staff Background Goal setting is a useful motivator for sales staff. It provides a yardstick for performance and makes sales staff accountable for their time. For best staff morale, it should be a form of encouragement and a “game”. It should not carry the threat of…
Purpose Forecast sales on a rolling twelve month projection to facilitate other budgeting processes. identify performance targets for sales staff Background Goal setting is a useful motivator for sales staff. It provides a yardstick for performance and makes sales staff accountable for their time. For best staff morale, it should be a form of encouragement and a “game”. It should not carry the threat of…
Purpose Establish reporting to and from sales staff Motivate sales staff Background For the sales team to operate as a team, members need to know what is going on in sales activity across the company. This way they can: be aware of trends help each other by offering viewpoints, support and advice measure their progress towards targets create the best possible m…
Purpose Identify our company’s approach to closing sales Background Some prospects are easy to close, some are hard, and some are impossible. A common belief held by many in sales is that is that really great sales people can close anything. This simply isn’t true. Really great sales people know how to get maximum value out of their sales time. Scope Sales Staff Procedure Unders…
Purpose Agree on key deliverables in the customers requirements and document them Background Creating and agreeing the REQUIREMENTS for a project are only part of the story (what the project is going to do – an important part!) It’s equally important to agree what the BOUNDARIES are of any undertaking and these must show what the project is NOT going to do. These elements are bound together and are called the Project Scope…
Purpose (Sample Procedure Only) Outline the necessary steps required to recall post despatch product. Determine quantity manufactured. Isolate pre-despatch stock and quarantine. Background Scope Procedure Case #1: In Transit, no dealer contact. Notify transport company. Have product recalled before arr…
List of attached files for this department Create a list by: Click the “Hyperlink button” When the dialog appears click the “Existing File” radio button at top…