1.2.0 Scope - Application
The requirements of the international standard ISO9001-2008 are generic in order that they may be applied to all organisations, irrespective of their nature, size or product provided.
Consequently, where the requirements of the standard are not applicable to the organisation and cannot therefore be applied, they may be considered for exclusion.
Claims of conformity with the international standard ISO9001-2008, may only be made when all exclusions are limited to the requirements of Clause 7 of the standard.
In addition, the exclusions shall not affect the organisation’s ability or responsibility to provide products or services that comply with the customer’s requirements and any statutory, legal or regulatory requirements.
[enter-your-company-name-here] has no permissible exclusions as they apply to the organisation or its products under the requirements of the international standard ISO9001-2008.
[enter-your-company-name-here], due to the nature of the organisation and its products, has excluded section 7.3 Design and Development from the applicable requirements of the ISO9001 2008 standard.
This exclusion does not affect the organisation’s ability or responsibility to provide products or services that comply with the customer’s requirements and any statutory, legal or regulatory requirements.