Office procedures manual (7 Samples Provided)
An Office procedures manual provides a recipe for success in your day to day administrative procedures.
Think about the word recipe for a second…what does that conjure up?
A system? A process? A set of instructions?
A recipe provides a system that can be replicated over and over again. If you want to make a cheesecake and have never done it before then if you follow the recipe you should have no problem.
In business instead of calling them recipes we call them procedures or work instructions but essentially they are one and the same.
These recipes/systems become the strategy and process for how we handle core and non-core processes within our business.
What are core and non-core processes?
A core process is one that deals with the actual purpose of your business. If you were a bakery one of your processes would be to bake bread.
A non-core process would be the accounts and payment procedure, naturally that’s important, but only as a consequence of baking the bread (e.g. the purpose of the organization).
An Office Procedures Manual contains non-core business processes.
Typically an Office Procedures Manual might contain the following:
Administrative Overview This would contain a summary and overview of office procedures and how they are to be implemented and reviewed |
Reception Procedure A reception procedure for how anyone on reception should assume the role and how to deal with customer inquiries |
Greeting telephone callers The best practice for how you would like telephone inquiries to be handled |
Greeting visitors to the office The procedure for greeting people who physically come to your place of business. What do we do? Offer them a coffee .etc |
Opening and closing office procedure The procedure for locking up each night |
Site security The procedure for setting alarms and locking doors .etc |
Records and Data Control Procedure The policy on keeping and securing data and the various associated procedures involved. |
see many more here at Office Administration Manual