4.5.4 Ohandsms Audit
[enter-your-company-name-here] has established, implemented and maintains an audit program and procedures for regular, planned OH&SMS audits to be carried out by a competent person, in order to determine that the OH&SMS:
- conforms to documented policy and procedures for OH&S management, including the requirements of the International Standard ISO4801;
- is properly implemented and maintained; and
- is effective in meeting [enter-your-company-name-here]’s policy, its objectives and its targets for continual improvement; and
- provides information on the results of audits to management and employees.
The audit program, including the schedule, is based on the OH&S importance of the activity concerned, and the results of previous audits. The audit procedures cover the scope, frequency, methodologies and competencies, as well as the responsibilities and requirements for conducting audits and reporting results.
Audit schedule
The OH&S committee shall establish the audit schedule for the OH&SMS. Audits shall be conducted by a trained and competent person in accordance with this schedule and an audit report prepared. To maintain objectivity, the auditor shall not work directly in the area that is subject to audit unless the audit requires specialised knowledge or expertise. The frequency of the audit shall be determined by the level of risk associated with the activity and the results of previous audits.
Audit areas
The audit shall ensure that the activities under review conform with the documented OH&S management system and the requirements of the standard. The audit shall identify any shortfall or errors in the documentation and report these to the OH&S committee for action.
Implementation and Compliance
The audit shall confirm that the OH&SMS is properly implemented and obtain evidence that there is full compliance. Any instances of faulty implementation or non-compliance shall be recorded and immediate action taken if an OH&S risk is identified.
Audit reports
As soon as is practicable following the audit, the OH&S committee shall review the results to determine whether the management system meets the agreed objectives and targets for continual improvement. This review shall refer to the results of past audits and data to identify trends.
As soon as is practicable after the audit, the results together with recommendations for improvement shall be collated and delivered as a report. The report shall be given to management and relevant information communicated to employees by means of newsletters or on notice boards.