Tenant Eviction
This procedure contains the instructions for handling the eviction of a tenant.
Request For Warrant Of Possession
Written request/authorisation from Landlord received, requesting the “Warrant of Possession” order or Department Manager approved.
- Where the Tenant fails to vacate in accordance with the Tribunal order by the specified date, order a warrant online at VCAT website to be sent directly to the Police Station.
- Diarise follow up of this document to VCAT for 48 hours time, once confirmed it has been faxed to Police, contact Police. (police often require constant encouragement to carry out eviction)
Eviction Date Given/Arrange Locksmith
- After the eviction date and time has been provided by the Police, arrange for a locksmith to be present at the property to change all the locks.
- Diarise eviction date.
Evict Tenant
- Meet the Police Officer and the locksmith at the property
- NEVER enter property without Police present, even if tenant has vacated and never allow Police to leave until Locksmith has finished..
- Tenant is present:
- Supervise the removal of the Tenant and their belongings from the property.
- Tenant is not present:
- Supervise locksmith changing locks and inspect the property with Police Officer, taking necessary photos and notes.
- The locksmith changes the locks on all external doors and windows.
- The Landlord Client and other relevant other parties are advised.
- Where there are goods are left on the property, they are dealt with according to the Breach – Abandoned Goods Procedure.
- Where the property is vacant, it is dealt with according to the Property Handover – Tenant to Agent Procedure.