Overdue Landlord Invoices
This procedure contains the instructions for handling overdue Landlord Invoices.
Overdue Invoices Report Produced
- A computer generated overdue invoices report is produced once a week.
- This action can easily be completed in conjunction with the Rent Arrears procedure.
7 Days Overdue – Reminder Sent
- All debtors 7 days overdue, are contacted to ascertain why the invoice has not been paid.
14 Days Overdue – Payment Plan/Final Notice
- Any Debtor 14 days overdue is contacted:
- A payment plan is put forward for approval by the Department Manager.
- Confirm with the payment plan in writing.
- Diarise the payment plan for follow up, at the appropriate times.
- Where the debtor does not agree to a payment plan, they are advised that this is their Final Notice to settle the account.
28 days Overdue – Legal Action
- Advise the debtor that legal action will now be taken.
- Pass the matter over to the Department Manager for instructions to Agency lawyers to commence recovery action.