Our Customer Relationship System Overview
Our system for managing our customer relations
Overview of our system “How it works”
Summarise your system, how does your system work Imagine someone asking you “How does your xxx system work”
[e.g. We strive to develop an automated relationship with our customers where good software systems allow us to serve our clients 24 hours. We provide quick response and a strong knowledge base. Our focus is on retaining customers for the long haul. We do this by offering a subscription based product that is continually improved upon]
Critical to the success of our system is:
What critical success factors have you identified to ensure a smooth system
- [e.g. being clear about the type of relationship we wish to develop, do we want a personalised one or maybe an automated one]
- [e.g. are we more retention focused acquisition focused (ie. new sales) or boosting sales with add-on’s to existing clients focused]
- [e.g. is your relationship more with a community or group than individuals]