Our system for managing our health and safety of workers and clients Overview of our system “How it works” Summarise your system, how does your system work Imagine someone asking you “How does your xxx system work”…
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AS/NZ4801 INTRODUCTION Table of contents – Health and Safety…
Purpose To demonstrate that the organisation has established, implemented and maintains an Occupational, Health and Safety Management System in accordance with Clause 4 of the standard. Procedure [enter-your-company-name-here] has established, implemented and maintains an Occupational, Health and Safety Management System (OH&SMS) to monitor the organisation’s activities and to ensure that the health and safety of every member, visi…
Obligations [enter-your-company-name-here] recognises its moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for employees, contractors, customers and visitors. This commitment extends to ensuring that the organisation’s operations do not place the local community at risk of injury, illness, environmental or property damage. Values and Objectives A core value of [enter-your-company-name-here] is that safety is an integral…
Purpose A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm to an employee, contractor, visitor, member of the public or anyone who may reason to be in the vicinity of the hazard. Hazards can include manual tasks, noise, lighting, electricity, biological hazards, chemicals or poisonous substances, sharp instruments or tools, doorways blocked by objects, objects left on the floor and slippery surfaces. Risk is a measure of the likelihood or chance…
Purpose [enter-your-company-name-here] has established, implemented and maintains procedures to identify and have access to all legal and other requirements that are directly applicable to the Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) issues related to its activities, products or services, including relevant relationships with contractors or suppliers. [enter-your-company-name-here] keeps this information up-to-date. It communicates relevant information on legal…
Purpose [enter-your-company-name-here] has established, implemented and maintains documented Occupational Health and Safety objectives and targets at each relevant function and level within the organisation. Procedure Top Management has a commitment to the development, implementation and improvement of the Occupational Health & Safety management system. [enter-your-company-name-here]’s Occupational Healt…
Purpose [enter-your-company-name-here] has established and maintains management plans for achieving its objectives and targets. They include: designation of responsibility for the achievement of objectives and targets at relevant functions and levels of the organization; and outlining the means and timeframes by which objectives and targets are to be achieved…
Purpose [enter-your-company-name-here] has identified and provides the resources required to implement, maintain and improve its Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OH&SMS). These include human resources and specialized skills, technology and financial resources. Procedure OH&S Committee [enter-your-company-name-here] has established an Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) committee, chaired b…