We now have a massive array of business policies and procedures in our new business document library. Our goal is to provide businesses and not for profit organisations with quick and easy starting templates so that they can develop documentation for their policies and procedures manuals without delay. No doubt you will still have to
New starter version of TKO You can still publish a web knowledge base and printed manuals to be accessible by all it’s just that only one author can add or change documents. New get started with TKO tutorials Watch these videos to help you get started using TKO Business Modeller
Creating an information system for your business is all about Creating, Storing, Controlling, Finding and Accessing your business knowledge. So you have done the first 3 now you need your people to find and access it, this video explains the process of creating a knowledge base web output for all your staff to access. Steps
Export a manual in word format Go to policies and procedures Tag off a section to export e.g. “Health and safety” records Click “Show tagged only” button to clear your workspace Go to “Export > Word format” Set options in dialog Provide a name lick ok and your done The exported file will now open
Steps to creating a manual or exported pdf manual Tag off the records you want to publish Click the “show tagged only” button to clear workspace (to only show those records you are about to publsih) Select the “Publish” button Select “preview” for output type Click Build and run Then try “Export to PDF”
Creating and importing Creation from scatch Using the template Understanding key business areas / departments Creating a new department (key business area) and assign a new document all at once Paste from word Import documents from the master template Import from word Create a duplicate of the current record
Getting familiar with TKO with an overview of the following Systems manager Key Business Areas (e.g. departments) Key Performance Indicators Key Roles Key Procedures Key Staff Assign Key Saff to roles Policies and procedures Searching Adding a new record Editing and importing a document Paste from word Roles and Job Descriptions Treeview and organisational chart
To register TKO Before starting make sure you have the email open that we sent you on purchase this email contains your membership username and password Next make sure you have installed TKO (see first video) Then open TKO, it will prompt you to register, say yes A login dialog will appear (this only occurs
A video tutorial that takes you through the process of purchasing and installing TKO Go to the pricing page Select the most appropriate version starter (single user) or enterprise (multi-user) Click the version you want and you are then taken to the checkout Enter your credit card details and click submit On success an email