Type of business We are a [e.g. privately incorporated company/partnership] within the country/state of [e.g.your country and state]. Is this a new business When was it formed The shareholders and directors are:…
Establishing a context This is the first step in a seven stage process of successfully tackling risk management in your organisation. The seven stages follow the Australian Standard for Risk Management (AS/NZS 4360:2004) published by Standards Australia. The seven stages are: Establishing a Context for Risk Management in Your Organisation Communicating Risk Management to Your Organisation Identifying R…
Overview This is the second step in a seven-stage process of successfully tackling risk management in your organisation. Whilst this step is notional the second in the process it is, in fact, an ongoing step. In this regard you need to continually communicate throughout the process with your organisation and others who may be impacted. Before embarking on the risk management process it is worth reviewing the reasons for doing this. Apart from the obvi…