Purpose Identify responsibilities of staff for informing business of hours work and provide system for verifying hours claimed. Background This procedure has been developed to place controls around the data collection side of the payroll process. Scope All staff Procedure Time sheets must be submitted no later than (WHEN) for counter signing by (WHOM) ….
Purpose To provide controls for process of pay runs and to ensure appropriate verifications are in place to ensure staff are paid according to benefits and entitlements. Background A significant area of stress for accounts staff and indeed payees is when there are errors or perceived errors in payment. Staff need to be paid their entitlements with a clear and transparent process. Rework…
Purpose To ensure that all staff are aware of their rights to choice of Superannuation provider and that the company meets its superannuation obligations. Background Significant penalties attach to companies that do not meet their superannuation obligations. This procedure should reflect the appropriate legislation that applies to your workers. Scope All Staff Procedure You…