Filing and Records Management
Establish controls that identify, maintain and store in good condition records that provide objective evidence of management and quality control in all areas of operation.
A filing system that allows for easy storage and retrieval has been established for all records, and is controlled within each department.
Filing systems must be identified, sections labelled, and individual files neatly kept in alphabetical order, unless otherwise specified.
Records, both hard copy and electronic, are kept in a clean, dry and secure location by the custodian to prevent deterioration or loss.
Annually in [e.g. June]
- Archive the previous 12 months prior records into Archive Boxes
- Label boxes with contents and destroy date
- store (WHERE)
- Transfer across the current financial year’s records into the 12 months prior file
- new files established as appropriate for commencement of the new financial year
- 12 months previous records stored in archive boxes (WHERE)
- All other files stored until retention period complete
- At end of retention period remove for safe disposal